US Vice President Abuses Irish Sovereignty Again at Shannon

  • Posted on: 26 January 2020
  • By: shannonwatch


Yesterday US vice president Mike Pence met with US troop during a refuelling stop at Shannon Airport. As reported, Pence disembarked Air Force Two to meet the soldiers who were on their way to Iraq, while they were also refuelling at Shannon. 

“I didn’t want to miss the opportunity to get off Air Force Two and tell you how grateful we are to each and every one of you and your families that are going to keep the home fires burning during this deployment." said Pence.

This is the second time in six months that Pence has deliberately abused Irish sovereignty by using Shannon Airport to greet US troops. He must know that the troops are also breaching Irish neutrality by transiting through Ireland on their way to wage wars of aggression in Iraq. 

Peace Activists on Trial

  • Posted on: 23 January 2020
  • By: shannonwatch

Today in the Dublin Circuit court Colm Roddy and Dave Donnellan had a preliminary hearing designed to pave the way towards confirming their trail date as 2nd March. The offence they are charged with is linked to their attempts to search and investigate some US military aircraft at Shannon on 25 May 2016. That's almost four years ago.

The wheels of justice move very slowly in Ireland if you are a peace activist charged with attempting to ensure that the Gardaí at Shannon do their duty and apply the law as it should be applied.

Peace Vigil at Shannon on January 12th, 2020

  • Posted on: 12 January 2020
  • By: shannonwatch

We had a wonderful turnout at Shannon today to oppose the US military use of the airport. Almost 100 people in total, gathered in opposition to the US military use of the airport. So great to see people from near and far, united in campaigning for peace. We walked from outside the aerodrome to the airport, with songs of peace and solidarity ringing out. And the usual one hour presence on the "peace' roundabout was also observed.


Open Letter to Members of Oireachtas

  • Posted on: 6 January 2020
  • By: shannonwatch

The following letter was sent to all members of Oireachtas na hEireann (Parliament and Senate) today by Shannonwatch's Edward Horgan.

Subject: Ending Irish complicity in US war of aggression and war crimes in the Middle East

Dear Oireachtas Legislators,

Peace activist individuals and groups from all parts of Ireland have been monitoring, and protesting against, US military use of Shannon airport particularly since October 2001, but also previously during the First Gulf War in 1991. Successive Irish Governments by allowing foreign military forces to transit through Irish territory and Irish airspace, while still maintaining that Ireland is a neutral state, have been acting in clear breach of international laws on neutrality. More importantly, such assistance to a military force engaged in wars of aggression makes Ireland and the Irish people complicit in the multiple war crimes and clear breaches of international laws, including the UN Charter that have been committed by US forces. Since 1991 up to one million children and several million adults are estimated to have died directly and indirectly due to war related reasons across the Middle East. Other countries and groups apart from the United States have also been involved in wars of aggression and war crimes in the Middle East, but none of these have been actively assisted by successive Irish Governments.

Fire on US Military Contracted Plane at Shannon Airport Raises Serious Questions

  • Posted on: 16 September 2019
  • By: admin

Shannonwatch are calling for an immediate review of the safety standards applied to US military and military contracted planes at Shannon Airport. A fire on an Omni Air International troop carrier brought the airport to a standstill on Thursday August 15th. This once again highlights the dangers posed by daily military traffic at a civilian airport like Shannon. 

The troop carrier, which is reported to be carrying approximately 150 troops, was on its way to the Middle East. It had arrived earlier from Tinker Air Force Base, Oklahoma USA. 

Tracking Two US Military Contracted Planes in and out of Shannon

  • Posted on: 27 August 2019
  • By: shannonwatch

Saturday August 25th at Shannon, two more aircraft on contract to the US military were refueled on their way from the USA. 

Omni Air International N477AX using US military call sign CMB556 arrived at Shannon about midday having come from Kileen Fort Hood Airbase. It took off at 16.14 pm and landed in Poland near Poznan Airport. 


Open Letters to US President Donald Trump and Taoiseach Leo Varadkar

  • Posted on: 6 June 2019
  • By: shannonwatch

Here are the two letters handed over for delivery to US President Donald Trump and Irish Taoiseach (Prime Minister) Leo Varadkar during the protests at Shannon today. We have been assured that they will be delivered.

Open letter to Mr Donald Trump, President of the United States of America

Dear US President Donald Trump,

US Military Take-Over of Shannon in Preparation for Trump's Arrival

  • Posted on: 31 May 2019
  • By: Anonymous

Today (May 31st) at Shannon Airport the US military have effectively taken over the airport in preparation for the unwelcome visit by US President Trump. At lunchtime there were four large US military aircraft, including 3 C-17 transport aircraft and one Hercules C130. These planes causes significant environmental damage as they fly across the world. Unlike civilian passenger planes that are designed for maximum power and therefore consume vast amounts of fuel.

